Bay of Island & beyond...
Kawakawa is a charming town, always bustling, with a smattering of great cafes and gift shops.
Its reputation has built up around the remarkable public toilets, designed by Austrian architect Hundertwasser, and also the Bay of Islands Vintage Railway, which runs down the main street.
The toilets are definitely worth a visit: the voluptuous, colourful columns draw you in and the walls are a mosaic of glass bottles, ceramic tiles and mirrors. Native grasses droop over the roof and a tree looms above you. A magical pee-stop! Don’t forget your camera.
There are some great coffee stops (Trainspotter and Railway Cafe to name two) and various lovely gift stores celebrating all things Hundertwasser and Kiwiana.
If you are local to Kawakawa and think you have more to add, ! We'd love to have your ideas and list your business.
Bay Of Islands Vintage Railway
Kawakawa is the only place in NZ where you can travel on a train on State Highway 1. They travel past the Hundertwasser Toilets, out into the beautiful countryside, to the longest curved wooden bridge in the Southern Hemisphere. Gabriel, their steam tank engine, is the only one of her type left in the world. Their trains run every day in the school holidays. For further information on ticket pricing and other information: