Bay of Island & beyond...
The Hokianga is also known as 'Te Kohanga o Te Tai Tokerau', which means “the nest of the northern tribes” – most Maori can trace their ancestry back and find their seat here at the Hokianga Harbour.
The townships in the Hokianga are generally small and unassuming, and the more charming for that. The twin settlements of Omapere and Opononi are generally the starting point for most visitors from the Bay of Islands. The Opononi Hotel is well known for music gigs and coffee at the Hokianga Copthorne Hotel is a must-do. Don’t miss the walk to South Head to watch the ocean meet the harbour mouth before you drive on south to see the kauri giant, Tane Mahuta (there are numerous forest tracks through the Waipoua Forest).
Further up the harbour you will find Rawene, New Zealand’s third oldest European settlement, and from here you can take the car ferry across to the historic mill town of Kohukohu. The second oldest European settlement is Horeke, where you can find the Mission House which hosted the largest signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. Other jewels in the Hokianga include the seaswept settlement of Mitimiti, worth every twisting turn of the metalled road from Kohukohu. While you are visting the Bay of Islands, be sure to give yourself a daytrip through in this stunning area of Northland - have a look at our suggestions for driving tours for more information.