We want a romantic getaway
If you're looking for some time out together you have landed in exactly the right spot - this article offers some ideas for things that are very much designed to be done "a deux".
Sailing in the Bay of Islands is one of the most exquisite ways to spend a day. Relaxing, yet active and usually offering kayaking, snorkelling and a picnic lunch on one of the islands. To keep it personal, you can charter a yacht for just the two of you for the day. Try
She’s A Lady,
Gungha or the glorious Sir Peter Blake vessel,
Lion New Zealand.
Sailing is not the only way to experience the beauty of the 144 islands. You can mix and match to create the ultimate trip with an
Island Heli Cruise – hop on a chopper out to Urupukapuka, then get dropped on a private beach for some quiet time and then get picked up and return to the mainland on a fast boat. All without getting your feet wet...
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Sunset off Russell with Tucker
23, March 2012
Afterwards, an evening in the romantic town of Russell is a guaranteed way to end a wonderful day. Enjoy the sunset walking along the beach and then finish up with dinner at one of the many restaurants along the waterfront. If you are staying in Russell, then relax with a nightcap at the
Duke of Marlborough before retiring to
Flagstaff Lodge for a bit of luxury. For those who are staying on the other side, don’t forget to check what time the last ferry goes!