


Please complete this form and hit the "Send my enquiry" button.

Bay of Islands Information
Paihia, Cnr Marsden & Williams Road
Bay of Islands
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 402 7730
The time in New Zealand now is:
3:11 PM Tuesday 08 September

*Denotes required field

Listing type

Please select one of the following*

Type of Listing Price per year
$150+gst p/a
$75+gst p/a

Please fill in all of the following fields:

First name:

Last name:


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Who recommended that you list on our site?

If you would like to display your availability calendar and online booking functionality on your Bay of Islands Information listing please indicate which of the following booking services you are established with and enter your operator ID or code if known:

Note: if using TourismExchange you will need to contact them and 'opt in' to before we can add your information to our database.


The above information will be used to determine whether your product is already listed in our centralised database, TourismData. If your product is not already listed, we will use the information to set up your new product listing.